Moquette Pattern Design

Starting as Stripes

I have been experimenting with a series of stripes for a while. This pattern evolved from being simple stripes into Moquette in a couple of hours. See opposite for the pattern development.

Moquette Seating

Anyone familiar with London Transport will have seen moquette on all of the seats. Their website describes it as:

Moquette is a tough woollen fabric that is used in upholstery on public transport all over the world. The fabric is produced using a weaving technique known as jacquard.

Colouring the Pattern

I tried using only a few colours but these versions looked a bit dull. I found using similar colours for most of the elements then one or two contrast seemed to look most interesting.

Defining the Pattern Repeat

Although the vertical pattern is only two blocks tall, the width of the pattern repeat is huge! See if you can spot where the pattern repeats.

Testing The Pattern Repeat

These full-screen versions use actual pattern repeats, set to repeat and scaled using my CSS style sheet. This is the ideal way to test if a pattern repeat works.

Alternative Colourways

I experimented with other colour combinations. My favourites were those with blue vertical stripes. Which do you like?

This Pattern Is Available As T‑Shirts!

T‑Shirts from the manufacturers Contrado are available in this pattern and other popular designs.

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